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Welcome Hypnobub Jack :)

We welcomed our little boy, 'Jack River Jones' to the world last Friday the 8th of July @ 00:36.



I had the most incredible birth!!

I started having light surges around 6pm on the Thursday. I was able to have a shower and even shave my legs because i didn't want to go to hospital with hairy legs, haha! The surges intensified quite quickly making it difficult to lie down and properly listen to my hypnobirthing tracks (even though my husband and mum both said just go and lie down, it must be early labour... its too quick for you to be in active labour yet!). I had a bloody show with surges coming less than a minute apart and lasting for longer than a minute before I decided to ring the Midwife at 10pm. I was still talking calmly and seemed comfortable enough I suppose from the other end of the phone and the Midwife suggested I keep doing what I'm doing as the surges still sounded mild. I remember getting off the phone thinking, 'if these are mild surges I need to strap myself in!!". Turns out within 45 mins I walked downstairs hunched over the chair and began to lose my focus because of an immense pressure I was feeling down below... Looking back I think this was me transitioning maybe?! I went to the toilet again in an attempt to relieve the pressure and my waters broke. Unfortunately, my waters had meconium in it (I was 40+6 days) and as I spoke to the Midwife again she let me know I would have to deliver my baby upstairs in delivery suite instead of the Birth Centre as planned... At this point I was in the zone and really didn't mind, as I knew within myself that this baby was closer than anyone else thought. We were in the car and as my legs shook I yelled at my husband to turn that crap off the radio and to stop asking me stupid questions (I think he was getting a bit nervous). We arrived at the hospital and I walked, in between surges, up to delivery suite where I was met by my midwife and my student midwife who just so happened to be on night shift that night! I was still talking when I could and I felt like I was in a zone, but did try some gas to help with my breathing during surges. I was begging to go to the toilet again before my Midwife checked how dilated I was... I didn't understand why they wouldn't let me go to the toilet!! I was 9cm dilated and the pushing phase began and seemed like a blur. I just kept thinking about bearing down and holding the baby down with my breath... It must have worked because next thing I recall is seeing a head and then on the next surge my little man was placed on my chest and my husband was cutting the cord... Incredible!

You will have to ask the midwives if thats the true way it played out, but thats the way I remember it! I could've been a screaming mess and wouldn't have known because I felt like I was in my own world.

Nath and I both really wanted to thank you so much for helping us birth our baby through teaching us the hypnobirthing skills that made me truly not fear birth. I believe my quick labour in part can be attributed to how calm, relaxed and excited I felt from the moment my contractions started.

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We are living and working on the sacred and unceded lands of the Larrakia People of the Larrakia Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. 

We acknowledge their connection to the land and waterways that we are so grateful to share.  

We are living amongst the oldest civilisation on our planet who have always cared for these lands- have met, danced, told stories, and survived colonization. We are indebted to them and their knowledge. We are here to listen and learn. 

Mind, bump    & birth

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