Welcome little Fletcher
I've been meaning to email you again to let you know that we welcomed Fletcher Michael Taylor on the 10th at 7:28pm! We are both so in love but still trying to find our feet as new parents. I did end up being induced with a Foley's catheter the night of the 9th and my waters were broken around 9:30-10am the next morning. I was 3cm and put on a syntocin drip. I listened to affirmations and breathed through 5 hours of labour. As contractions began ramping up our midwife did an internal and found that I'd effaced a bit but hadn't dilated any more.

After 5 hours I felt defeated so asked for gas and ended up asking for an epi. By the time the epi was administered I had 20 minutes of pain relief before it stopped working. The contractions seemed constant and gas was doing not much to help. Our Midwife did another internal and could feel bub's head. 20 minutes pushing and our boy was here 😊
I definitely didn't have the labour I imagined but proud hypno got me through most of my labour and I was able to deliver him naturally. Thank you so much for your course. Both Tom and I have recommended it to others and see great value in hypnobirthing.