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Welcome Hypnobub Charlotte

Jason and I would like to introduce you to Charlotte Wendy Ausburn. Born on Friday 29th September (on my birthday ), weighing 7 pound 2. Born safely at the birth centre. Started having tightening’s Friday afternoon, was able to continue my day, used my H

ypnobirthing Australia tracks to relax later in the afternoon, and kept walking and using my yoga ball and tens machine up until 10pm when I arrived at the birth centre which I thought would be the start of a long night. By the time I arrived, the back and pelvic pain was intense so was a little scared how I could continue with that much pain if it was going to last throughout the night. Was only 4cm dilated on arrival but I remember being told my cervix was very thin and stretchy but the head was still not fully down (I think!!!) I wasn’t intending to have a vaginal exam unless necessary but because I was so uncomfortable I was wishing for some magical number to get me motivated to finish. I got in the birthing pool to try and get an upright position to help with getting the baby down, flopped on the side, used some nitrous and then all of a sudden had the urge to push. My waters broke and there was some meconium, so had to get out of the pool and with 4 big pushes (not quite the breathing down I intended but was told she needed to come out now!!!) on the bed, Charlotte was born at 1am, healthy no aspiration, on the chest for skin to skin. We were discharged later that day and have been doing well at home.

Hope you don’t mind me telling you, just wanted to say thank you for all the information you gave us, it really did help, even if it doesn’t always go quite to plan, I still class it as a positive experience and I had my little beautiful hypnobub.

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