Welcome Hypnobub Logan!
I received this lovely birth story a few days ago and I have been dying to jump on the computer to share. Such a lovely birth story from hypno superstars Sita and Troy, welcome Logan!! xox
Logan William Norsworthy arrived at 0734h on Sunday, 03 Dec 2017, weighing 3.53kg and 49cm long. I managed to get my natural water birth after a long 56 hours of labour, with some panadol and a bit of gas (even though I was asking for an epidural at the end).
Labour started at 1130pm on Thursday night, and we went into the hospital at about 10pm on Friday night with 60-90 second surges every 3-4 minutes. After observations were done, I was sent home because I wasn't in established labour yet and was told that I would probably be in early labour for another 24-48 hours as this was our first baby. Being told that and having to go home was a massive kick in the guts and quite disheartening as I was already in a lot of discomfort. The midwives gave me a sleeping pill so I could try and get some sleep as I had already been in early labour for over 24 hours. That night I got a couple of hours of sleep before I woke up in the middle of a strong surge. From then I continued to have 60-90 second surges every 5-6 minutes for all of Saturday.
On Saturday night at about 11pm, the surges got even stronger and we ended up back at the hospital at 225am with 90-180 second surges every 2-3 minutes apart. When I got to the hospital, I was 5cm dilated, so I jumped in the bath for some pain relief. By 530am I was asking for an epidural, but by that stage I was too far along, so was given gas instead. The gas was amazing, it made me feel like I was drunk and enabled me to breathe easier through the surges and rest in between. After a few strong surges, Logan was delivered at 0734h in the bath.
Our little tucker is a fighter! He had his cord wrapped around his neck when he came out, and also had a knot in his cord which must've happened when he was really little, but luckily neither the knot or cord were tight, otherwise our story could have had a very different ending!
We had the Tranquil Chambers track playing the entire time in the background, and clary sage in a diffuser at home and on tissues around the bath at the hospital. The breathing techniques helped a lot! I got a cold on Monday so am still getting over that, which made labour harder as I was so exhausted and congested, so I ended up being a mouth breather through the whole birth. But it all worked out well in the end and we have a beautiful baby boy :)
Thank you so much for the Hypnoborthing course, it was so informative and really helped to set us in the right mind frame for our birth.