Welcome Hypnobub Logan
I received this amazing birth story from Hazel and Nathan and I sobbed my way through it. I was so happy when Hazel said she was happy for me to share with you all. She truely was a hypnobirth rockstar! Enjoy this gorgeous positive birth story and remember to share with everyone, lets make positive birth the norm not the exception. - Nic x
Hi lovely lady!
So I have been meaning to message you about our little mans birth!
Well... haha... its a long one sorry!
It’s partly what we planned, partly not.. and wholeheartedly our story and we have our precious man, and that’s what we love.
So, on Thursday (14th feb) at around 2pm I felt a verrry ‘strong’ braxton hicks sensation, more so than usual. I had then felt another maybe 30 mins later, that’s when my brain said ‘hmm I think this is some pre-labor goodness happening.. today could be the day’.
This went on for hours, enough to stopped me a little when they happened, but not enough to stop completely. I knew it was early days.
I had mentioned it to my husband and warned my mum that things could progress into something, just in case.
We contributed on our arvo as usual.. play at the park, dinner, bath, lots of stories (and I mean lots) and then tucked little man into bed.
And yep, as you had said to me only 3 days earlier ‘woman put their children to bed at night, then go into labor..
It was 840pm and I felt a surge. It was different to what I had felt and i had known this was the ‘real deal’.
The next didnt come for another 20mins though, this i then knew was still very early on. I laid down and tried to rest knowing this could take me through the night. I didn’t tell my husband as I knew he wouldn’t sleep and I wanted him to be able to have some rest.
They became 15mins apart and that’s when I couldn’t lay still. I started to light candles around the house, check we had all the things we needed at hand for our home birth.
I started playing the positive affirmation Tracks and did relaxation breathing.
My husband woke at about midnight wondering what was going on, it was then I was having surges about 7-10mins apart.
At 1am surges were roughly 5mins apart and our midwife arrived.
I was in my zone, I felt strong. Nathan was with me through every surge, chanting affirmations and encouraging me.
I was calm and confident.
Between each surge I was having a laugh with Nathan and i said to him at one point ‘this just feels so right! I feel so good’
It was a really incredible feeling.
I rode that wave for hours.
However, things weren’t progressing.
I was still surging 5mins apart hours later.
I used the CUB for a lot of the early labor and absolutely loved it, however being in that position I believe was keeping it all very slow moving.
Between each surge I walked around the house, I sat on the toilet, hung over the bed etc.
At about 7am I requested for a VE to see where things were at (I was starting to really tire after now being awake and on my feet for over 24hrs).
The midwife had informed me that I was only 5cms dilated and baby’s head was down in my pelvis, this being the cause of labor not progressing as fast.
It was at this point I cried. Surged. Cried. And then cried again.
I was tired and I was loosing heart.
I cried as I had experience a 25hour labor with our first born and i really thought it would be different this time (even though this was totally different this time, in the midst of it I was disheartened).
Out midwife had offered some options, she had said that she could break my membranes and that could ‘possibly’ spread things up, but she informed us that there is nothing to back that up, and it may very well not ‘work’. I didn’t want this.
After some consideration, and many surges that were now quite strong, bringing me to a bit of a roar (and by a bit I mean ALOT.. and by quite strong, I mean I was really not coping with the sensations of the surges anymore), I asked to go to the hospital.
I hung my arms over the birth pool and cried.
Midwives had come and gone, the sun was up and things were moving very slow.
All I wanted was my baby out, I was exhausted, and the thought of it continuing for hours and hours really brought me down.
I felt like I’d failed my plan, my husband, the whole team.
I cried, surged, then asked to please go to the hospital.
Our midwife and my husband were so supportive and loving.
They assured me I was doing a great job.
So, by this time I was now reallllllly vocal through each surge. It was confronting. I had lost patience. I wasn’t actually my usual self. All I wanted was pain relief (very much not in our plans at all).
We chose to take our own car to the hospital, being only 2kms away.
(Now this is the part you never share... mainly because of how illegal it is! Haha)
I travelled in Nathan’s car hung over the front seat of the car on my knees, there was no way I was sitting down!!
We had then pulled up in the car park and a midwife was there to meet us.
I had 3 surges between the car and the 6th floor.. they were intense... and I was loud.
We got to the room on the 6th floor and by this time I was yelling at the poor midwife ‘where is my midwife!’ ‘Where is the anesthetists?!’
Surge. Yell. Calm. Apologise. Surge
I was told they needed to find a vein in order to give me a drip, this they were having trouble doing.. she just couldn’t find one.
Surge. Yell. Yell. Apologise. Surge.
I spotted a CUB in the room and asked to have it on the bed. Best thing in the world. I clung to the CUB on my knees.
Surge. Yell. Yell. Apologise. Surge.
It was then I said to my husband ‘oh my god these are so close together’
Our midwife had then arrived. I asked her if she could see anything, she had told me she could see my membranes.
I told her my baby is coming! (Well I screamed it...)
I then was surging and felt that uncontrollable need to push.. this is what everyone had talked about.. i now finally knew.
With each surge, the only thing that felt right was to push! So I did.
And I could literally feel my baby moving down. I could feel it.
I yelled again ‘my baby is coming!’.
Then with just a couple more surges and pushing, he was here!!
I felt it all! I did it!
A feeling that can’t be described! That feeling of feeling every single thing, of your baby coming out! WOW!!
You want to know the funny thing..... this was all only 45 mins after leaving home at 5 cms dilated!
In the final hour before his birth I found that while surging I was a woman I had never known! Oh my gosh! So loud and slightly rude. I was apologising between each surge (haha), it’s just the only thing that worked for me.. being loud. We all laughed about it only moments after the birth, but I did really apologise! Haha
I took me some days to be okay with the fact that he wasn’t born at home.
But what I had focused on was what I had always wanted, I wanted a birth that I made all the choices in. And I had this. I made every single choice along the way.
I birthed him completely drug free, which is also what I wanted.
And, he arrived perfect and healthy. And, SURPRISE!! It’s a boy!!
I’ve attached some pics - these pics mean the world to me, because although it was fast and ‘crazy’ in the end, my labor was everything I could have hoped for.
It was peaceful, it was powerful and I was so so loved and supported.
This is our story. Not to plan, but perfect in every way.
Hope you’ve enjoyed it!!